Promoting research transparency in HCI

Research transparency refers to honesty and clarity in all communications about the research processes and outcomes—to the extent possible [Wacharamanotham et al. 2023].

Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers have the knowledge and skills to conduct empirical inquiries into phenomena in transparent quantitative research and to design and implement potential solutions. HCI researchers come from a broad range of academic backgrounds (e.g., Computer Science, Psychology, Design, Sociology)—and represent a wide range of expertise in quantitative research methods. Therefore, HCI research communities provide a challenging testbed for potential solutions to problems in transparent quantitative research.

This page lists some of Chat’s work to promote research transparency.


Research articles

  • 2020 - A survey of CHI authors on transparency of CHI research artifacts DOI OSF

  • 2023 - An analysis of CHI empirical papers in 2017 and 2022 assessing changes in practices in Research Ethics, Openness, and Transparency DOI OSF

